What Does ‘WYLL’ Mean on Snapchat?: Explained

Since social media is getting popular in today’s world, most people use some acronym words while texting someone. If you have noticed someone using ‘WYLL’, don’t be surprised. This acronym has a special meaning. In this article, let’s explore the meaning of the ‘WYLL’ term.

‘WYLL’ Meaning on Snapchat

With over 800 million active monthly users, Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms at the moment. Many Snapchat users employ short terms or acronyms in their snaps and messages.

If you are wondering ‘what does ‘wyll’ mean on Snapchat?’, the answer will surprise you. WYLL stands for ‘What You Looking Like’, a frequently used term to ask about someone’s appearance. It’s a common message sent by people on Snapchat to friends.

It can be used for a straightforward query or a playful method to get the answer. Besides that, some people also use this term to engage a new friend in a conversation.

How ‘WYLL’ is Used on Snapchat

As noted before, most people use ‘WYLL’ in different ways on Snapchat. Let’s find out how ‘WYLL’ is used on Snapchat:

Inquiring Someone’s Appearance:

Keeping in Touch With Friends:

  • Open Snapchat
  • Type a message like ‘Hey, WYLL today!’ and send it.

Beginning a Conversation:

  • Open the Snapchat app
  • Write a message like; ‘WYLL this day?’ and send it to them.

How do you respond to someone saying WYLL?

If someone sends you WYLL on Snapchat, you can follow numerous ways to respond. If it’s a friend asking you, it’s best to answer it by providing a picture and video. If an unknown person sends a WYLL text, you can answer it by describing yourself instead of sending a photo of yourself, especially when you feel uncomfortable.


If you have been wondering ‘what does WYLL mean on Snapchat?’, the answer is simple. Since most Snapchat users text on this app, it’s a common term to ask someone about their appearance. You can also use other internet slang words while texting your friends.


What does WYLL mean on Snapchat?

WYLL refers to ‘What You Looking Like’, it’s a simple term to ask people about their appearance. Besides Snapchat, some people also use this term on TikTok and Facebook.

Can I send WYLL to a friend on Snapchat?

Yes, you can send WYLL to a friend on Snapchat to ask about their appearance.

How to respond to a WYLL message on Snapchat?

If someone sends a WYLL message on Snapchat, you can either send a photo of yourself or describe yourself.